
Predicted Huddersfield Town XI for Danny Schofield’s return to Millwall

Danny Schofield will take change of tonight’s game against Millwall as Town’s caretaker manager, following last Sunday’s sacking of Danny and Nicky Cowley. This makes predicting the lineup particularly tricky in a game which was already likely to see many changes due to it now being a dead rubber.

Schofield has taken two training sessions before the game, so not enough time to dramatically change the tactics. I think he’ll stick with the 4-2-3-1 shape but due to his connection to the under 23 team, he’s likely to want to play a few of Town’s youngsters alongside experienced pros.

GK: Coleman

I think we’ll give Coleman one last run out between the sticks before his contract runs out. He’s not played much for Town lately but he didn’t let us down back when he did play and I’d pick him purely for sentimental reasons.

RB: Duhaney CB: Stearman CB: Schindler LB:J. Brown

Duhaney is a young player that’s reaching an age where he needs to break into first team football. His contract is running out, so this game could be a chance to show how he could potentially work in the new head coach’s system.

Rarmani Edmonds-Green is our hot prospect in the central defensive position but daft EFL rules mean we can’t play him. Stearman and Schindler are therefore my picks here, as they bring experience and stability to the back line. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to risk injury to Stankovic in a dead rubber game just before he leaves to his new club.

Jaden Brown will be keen to show what he can do after a long wait on the sidelines. Toffolo has been impressive since his arrival but Brown can also shine on his day. With the pressure off on this game I’d like to see him try to bomb forward whenever possible.

DM: King CM: O’Brien

I’d have King providing a defensive screen in front of the back line and sitting deep while O’Brien forages about in midfield to win back possession.

Hogg is hard to drop after a return to his best against West Brom last week but I think he deserves a break.

RW: Willock No 10: Daly LW: Bacuna

Willock started the game against West Brom like he was a different player to the one we’d previously seen. His direct running and skill on the ball ripped the opposition apart and created chances, not to mention his well paced strike for the first goal. If a permanent deal is in the offing he will need to show he can play like that consistently. Finances may be a barrier but this game could be his chance to show what he is capable of.

Matty Daly has only played about half an hour of football this season, from three sub appearances back in December. I’m sure Danny Schofield will want to give our young players a chance in this match and Daly seems like a good candidate. As a number ten he will have licence to roam around the pitch and create opportunities for the players around him. I hope he takes the chance to showcase what he can do.

Grant is already being linked with a big money move away, so we’d be daft to play him and risk injury. I’d give Bacuna a run out here as he’s less of a liability further up the field and capable of causing more problems for the defence too. I’m a fan of Bacuna’s ability to make something out of nothing but he’s a bit of an enigma. Some games he looks Premier League quality with smart movement and clever passing but in others he looks like he’s about to get sent off for every tackle and give away a goal every time he gets the ball. I’d like to see him pick a preferred position and work hard at making it his own. The new coach may help to guide him through this process as this season he has been a victim of his own versatility. He’s been deployed in almost every area of the pitch at times but not being a regular starter in any position.

ST: Pyke

Mounié and Campbell have been held together with sticky tape and blu tac this last few weeks. Both have faded quickly in games and probably haven’t had long enough rehab after injury. Now our Championship status is all but confirmed, I’d give someone else a go at leading the line.

Rekheil Pyke should be given a chance to prove himself. I don’t know a great deal about him but he’s the right size and build to play as a lone striker and will be playing for a contract, see as his runs out after this game.


I’ve picked a team with quite a lot of youth players in but I think there may be even more among the nine potential subs. I’m sure Danny Schofield will want to give the experience of playing with the first team to a few of the young lads he’s been coaching in the under 23s.

He may also put a few old heads in there too, just in case we are getting thumped and need some experience to steady the ship. Otherwise I’d expect to see mostly academy lads, so a few first teamers can have a night off.