Alfie May… or may not sign, training returns, Sorba’s narrative, home kit, first friendly & Kev’s gesture – A Hudersfield Town roundup
The bit after the season ends and before the next season starts is always a slow period for Town related stuff. But now we're entering into preseason the trickle of Town news is now starting to accelerate. So to celebrate, I thought I'd do an article to summarise my thoughts on the recent Town-related goings on.
There isn't really a theme to all this stuff, it's just everything that I've nearly, but not quite written a dedicated article about in the last week or two. Now we're into preseason and the transfer market is hotting up so there should be more to write about in the coming weeks. But for now, here's my roundup of all the recent Huddersfield Town news.
Alfie May… or may not sign for Town
I had a whole section written about Alfie May's potential transfer being up in t...