12 reasons the 22/23 season went badly wrong for Huddersfield Town
In an old job I used to work on big cross-departmental projects and at the end of them we’d have these “lessons learned” meetings, where (in theory) we’d all get together and discuss what we could do better next time. In reality, these meetings were massive finger pointing exercises, where everybody came along to blame the other department for making a massive mess of the project and it would usually descend into bitter name calling.
So, in the spirit of those “lessons learned” meetings, I’m going to write an article about all the things that went wrong for Huddersfield Town last season. Or are we still calling it this season? I’m not sure when one ends and the other starts, but I’m talking about the 22/23 season we’ve just experienced, where Danny Schofield and Mark Fotheringham stee...