
Tag: carlos corberan

12 reasons the 22/23 season went badly wrong for Huddersfield Town

12 reasons the 22/23 season went badly wrong for Huddersfield Town

In an old job I used to work on big cross-departmental projects and at the end of them we’d have these “lessons learned” meetings, where (in theory) we’d all get together and discuss what we could do better next time. In reality, these meetings were massive finger pointing exercises, where everybody came along to blame the other department for making a massive mess of the project and it would usually descend into bitter name calling.  So, in the spirit of those “lessons learned” meetings, I’m going to write an article about all the things that went wrong for Huddersfield Town last season. Or are we still calling it this season? I’m not sure when one ends and the other starts, but I’m talking about the 22/23 season we’ve just experienced, where Danny Schofield and Mark Fotheringham stee...
Injury updates, praising Holmes, being “self demanding”, Carlos losing his voice – Pre-Preston presser bullet points

Injury updates, praising Holmes, being “self demanding”, Carlos losing his voice – Pre-Preston presser bullet points

Matches, News
In another attempt to expand the kind of thing I write about on the blog, I'm going to put together a summary of the main points from Carlos Corberán's press conference ahead of tonight's game.  It's obvious from the views these videos get on YouTube that not every fan watches these conferences but there's usually some useful information in them.  Here are the main points: The first half against Barnsley was good but we should have scored more. We lost control of the game in the second half because we couldn't cope with Barnsley changing shape. Carlos praised the backup players that came in last weekend and that some of them are unlucky not to have had more chances. Pipa had a scan yesterday and it was positive news. He's injured for tonight but could feature after the ...
7 reasons to be pessimistic about Huddersfield Town’s chances this season

7 reasons to be pessimistic about Huddersfield Town’s chances this season

Yesterday’s article looked at all the reasons to feel positive about Huddersfield Town’s chances this season and by the time I’d finished writing it I’d almost convinced myself that we might be OK this season. So much so that I was tempted to not bother to write a more pessimistic preview of the season.  But most Town fans will have experienced the wild mood swings that following can provoke. A decent win on a Tuesday night and you look up the table and think another three more victories could put us in the playoff hunt and then a defeat on the following Saturday leaves you wondering if this sorry team will ever win a match again.  So I’m going to indulge my negative side in this article and look at all the reasons why it’s probably best to not expect too much from Huddersfield Town...
6 reasons to feel optimistic about Huddersfield Town’s chances this season

6 reasons to feel optimistic about Huddersfield Town’s chances this season

The Championship season is due to start on Saturday and it feels about the right time to put together a preview of Huddersfield Town’s chances this time around. As has become a tradition on this blog, I am writing two completely contradictory previews - this is the positive, happy-clappy one. The miserable one will follow later this week. (As an aside, the miserable preview in previous years has usually had over double the number of views as the optimistic one. Which tells you everything you need to know about Town fans!) Regardless of the typically dour outlook of many Town fans, I’m going to try and make a case for why we should feel at least somewhat optimistic about this season. Prepare for the sound of barrels being scraped and levels of optimism that are bordering on sociopathic!...
Carlos Corberán shares a bad habit with an ex-Town manager that could be affecting results

Carlos Corberán shares a bad habit with an ex-Town manager that could be affecting results

Could the bad habit of an ex-Town manage point to one if the problems Carlos Corberán could bev causing?  Lee Clark had a bad habit when he was the manager of Huddersfield Town and I believe it directly affected his team's ability to play with confidence. I fear that Carlos Corberán is making the same mistake and he may be inadvertently contributing to Town's terrible run of form since the start of 2021.  The bad habit I'm referring to is getting angry on the touchline during matches and screaming at your players while the game is going on. Lee Clark was terrible for flapping his arms about and bellowing at the nearest player that would listen during his tenure. Carlos Corberán has similar qualities, often looking like he could murder a player after they fluff a chance of make ...
Phil Hodgkinson lays out Carlos Corberán’s targets for the season

Phil Hodgkinson lays out Carlos Corberán’s targets for the season

Following on from his extensive interview in The Examiner recently, Phil Hodgkinson answered questions from the Radio Leeds team before yesterday's match. There were a few good points made, you can listen to the full interview by clicking this link, but the most interesting part was Oggy's final question about targets for Carlos Corberán's first season at Town. Phil gave a surprisingly open answer to the question and detailed what he would class as a successful season for Corberán. What are Carlos' targets for this season? Here is exactly what Phil said in the interview: "After the first 10 games, at no point during the rest of the season are we looking over our shoulder nervously. And instil your philosophy." You can listen to the full interview for more details but Phil's expectation fo...
How has Carlos Corberán done since arriving at Huddersfield Town from Leeds United?

How has Carlos Corberán done since arriving at Huddersfield Town from Leeds United?

Obviously, we all know it’s very early days in Carlos Corberán's time at Huddersfield Town but the international break presents a lull in the season to take stock of how things are going so far. Corberán took charge of Town shortly after the end of last season and has already overseen a dramatic change in the way Huddersfield Town play and embedded several new players into the team. Here's an early assessment of how he's getting on. If you can't be bothered reading to the bottom, a very quick summary would be that he's doing pretty good. A tricky preseason The implications of the pandemic meant the players had the shortest post-season break ever and Carlos had the shortest ever pre-season to get across his ideas. On top of that Town had played an intense period of games after the restar...