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Huddersfield Town’s new away ticket priority system – How will it work?

Huddersfield Town have announced a new, points based, priority system for away tickets next season. The system was in need of a revamp, after last season’s priority system caused controversy for some fans, who felt they lost out through the scheme.

The new system will give Town fans points for various qualifying criteria, and tickets for away games will be sold to those with the highest points. It’s a bit more complicated than last year, but that complexity makes it fairer.

Town v West Ham

How will the new points system work?

Town fans will be given points for the following:

  • Season ticket history – this is likely to be highest number of points, because it’s the biggest commitment a fan makes to the club
  • Away ticket history – the club only have accurate records for last season, so it’ll be based just on last year
  • Memberships – Blue and White foundation members, and possibly patrons, will more than likely get extra points too

There could be other reasons to earn points, like doing the pedal for pounds cycle rides, or helping with the Town Foundation work.

It’s impossible to get the system to be fair for everyone, because each fan has their own idea of what makes someone the most deserving fan. The problem is, that the criteria fans suggest usually put them at the front of the queue.

What will cause the most outrage about the new system?

The most interesting thing about the new system will be how the points are allocated to each area, and this will be what causes fans to start arguing with each other. Here are a few of the most obvious disputes we’ll see when the points weightings are announced:

Season ticket holders vs loyal away fans – Some fans think season ticket history is the best measure of loyalty, whereas others think previous away game attendance is more important for allocating away tickets.

Will all away tickets be treated equally? – Travelling all the way to Southampton or Swansea to watch Town is a lot more effort (and expense) than it is to pop over the Pennines to Old Trafford. Will the system recognise that? I suspect not, because it makes it very complicated. However, some fans will be cross if their mammoth journeys don’t get them extra points.

[UPDATE: “Lee Makel’s long sleeves” commented below that the ticket office said at an ATT meeting that games involving further travel and that went on general sale will be given more points than those that sold out quickly. Cheers for the update Lee!]

 Are P1s and P2s from last season getting unfairly rewarded? – Because many away games sold out before they were available to P3s and lower, it was much easier for the highest priority members to make it to away games last season. Some fans are certain to grumble that the new system means last year’s top priorities will be likely to still be in the top level, because they’ve got the season ticket history already, and were at the front of the queue for away tickets.

Will the ballot system continue under the new scheme?

Seam Jarvis, Commercial Director for Town, gave an interesting interview about the new priority system on HTTV. In the interview he confirmed that last season’s ballot system seemed to be popular among fans, because everyone got a chance at away tickets. So it seems likely that the scheme will continue.

There might be small changes to the process or the allocation of tickets, but I’d be very surprised if the ballot system doesn’t continue. From memory, I entered the ballot four times last season and didn’t win any of them, but I still like the fact that everyone gets a chance.

When will fans get to know their points?

It sounds like the number of points the club allocate for the various criteria will be announced very shortly. The club are currently “stress testing” the new system, and once they’re confident it works they’ll release it to fans.

There’s a new section on the account area of the online ticket booking system that says “Loyalty points 0” on my account. Once the new system is launched, fans will be able to log in and check their points total. opinion

There’s literally no way the club can win with away ticket priority, because there’s always going to be some fans disappointed. However, the new scheme does a better job of acknowledging away ticket history alongside season tickets, so more fans should feel like they’re being fairly treated.

The specific points allocated to each area will cause many grumbles. There will also be moans that away ticket history before last season not being taken into account, but the club can’t possibly do this because their records are incomplete. I expect some other fans will create a variety of criteria which aren’t given points that they feel should be rewarded too.

I predict there’ll be some people that will be quiet about the scheme because they’ll be in the high points brackets, some will be annoyed because they want more points, but on balance it seems like a good system.

It’s also worth pointing out that very few tickets sold out in the top priorities. Liverpool, Burnley, Manchester United, Everton are the ones I can remember selling out in the P2 stage. Most other games went down to P4, P5 or general sale, so there was plenty of opportunity for fans to see Town away from home.

I was P4 last season and managed to make it to quite a few away games despite my poor luck in the ballot system and family commitments limiting the distance I could travel. The new scheme might increase my chances of getting to big games. But if not then that’s my problem, because I didn’t make the long journeys to Bournemouth, Southampton, Brighton or Swansea, despite tickets being easily available. So I won’t be complaining, regardless of the number of points I’m given.

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  • Lee Makel’s long sleeves

    Hi, at ATT panel Ticket Office confirmed away games that went on general sale/didn’t sell out would earn you more points than say Old Trafford or Anfield where demand was higher. Also West Ham away on a Monday night Sky game, might earn you more than Burnley away on a Sat afternoon, just as an example. That’s what they said they were looking to do. Hope this helps settle your concern on this aspect.

    • Terrier Spirit

      Thanks! As someone who made the trip to West Ham on a Monday night, I’m pleased to hear this.

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