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7 tweets that show how Huddersfield Town fans feel about their cup defeat

Huddersfield Town were deservedly beaten by Rochdale in yesterday’s Carabao Cup game. While Town are experienced at getting knocked out in the first round of the cup, it was a blow to be beaten by lower-league opposition, doubly so for it to happen because of a poor Town performance.

Here’s a roundup of some of the best tweets from after the game yesterday. I’ve tried to show the full spectrum of reaction as Huddersfield Town fans have a broad range of opinions and it’s interesting (to me at least) to see what people are saying about the game.

Ben Hamer was singled out for his role in Rochdale’s winning goal

Hamer’s role in yesterday’s goal wasn’t the same calibre of howler as last week, where he basically kicked the ball into his own net. However, the dithering over whether to come off his line or not was symptomatic of a keeper that looks completely out of confidence. Schindler was also somewhat to blame for losing his marker but Hamer really should have claimed the ball.

I’m not sure if Pereira is the answer to our goalkeeping problems but it’s certainly worth giving him a chance.

Charlie pointed out the need for quality additions to support the youngsters coming through

It’s hard to disagree with any of these points. The club have promised they will back Corberán and give him the players he needs to succeed. Hopefully we’ll see a busy few weeks at Town, with plenty of players coming in. The need for them to be first-team ready is important too, because the games will be coming thick and fast once the season starts.

Too many of our best players from last season aren’t available

Simon makes a great point about the difference between our current best XI and the quality of players we had last season (that still only just avoided relegation). Let’s hope we see replacements of an equivalent quality coming through the door soon.

Our record in the League Cup is becoming an embarrassment

The online response to Town defeats can be very emotional, so it’s worth keeping results in context and not getting too worried by the odd bad game. Norwich losing their game at least means their fans will be experiencing similar feelings of concern as we are.

Some Town fans are considering alternative online entertainment options

If you don’t know who Kerry Katona is or what Only Fans is then I’m not going to tell you. You’re probably better off not knowing about either of them.

Some more moderate opinions were also available

It’s easy to get caught up in all the negativity after a defeat, so it’s nice to see some fans keeping a sense of perspective. I wish I had Rob’s optimism about the senior management at the club and I sincerely hope he’s right to be so confident about there being a master plan behind all this.

Thanks to Roger for the comment below which points out I completely misread this tweet. He’s actually sarcastically pointing out that Big Phil has a master plan to take us down to the conference.

One fan already thinks we’re going to go down

This fan got some stick for betting on their team to go down but I’m not sure I can blame them. The bookies are giving very generous odds to say we only avoided relegation by 3 points last season and will soon have lost most of our key players. I’ll not be making this bet though, it just feels a bit wrong to bet against your own team.


  • I think you’ll find that #6 – Rob’s comment – is NOT, as you seem to believe, that of a fan keeping a sense of perspective; he’s being sarcastic.
    Why else would he say that PH “knows how to run a Conference club”?
    This is a WHOOSH! moment for you, I’m afraid. 😂

    • Terrier Spirit

      Ha! You’re right, I mustn’t have properly read the word ‘conference’ and completely missed the joke. I’ll edit the post, thanks for pointing it out.

  • Stuart Barker

    Having watched the game yesterday ,it was same old story I’m afraid,even though they worked hard (that is what any professional person is supposed to do)they never looked as though they were going to score.As I have said previously Jonathan Hogg is not the answer,he gets booked too many times with his reckless tackling,he can’t give a telling pass,the young lad Austerfield seems to me a better option, more variety with his passing ,not too bad at tackling either.Hogg didwell under David Wagner but,has not been as good since then,we need to build a team around O’Brien ,and Bacuna,I don’t think Pritchard is the answer either.Need some new blood.

    • Terrier Spirit

      Hogg’s form was patchy last season but he put in some decent performances when we needed him. Austerfield looks like a really classy player and I’m hoping we see a lot of him this season. His passing is quicker and more accurate than Hogg’s and he suits Corberán’s system more too.

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